40 tools for writing better CSS

40 tools for writing better CSS

We all know CSS is great. It makes our sites look good, can be used to add animation, and keeps the presentation separate from the content. It can be hard, though, to know everything there is to know about CSS. It only gets harder as we try to make our code cross-browser compatible. This is...

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What every programmer should know according to the Google version?

Recently on Google a separate page has appeared , which shows the courses and tools for online education, that necessary to know for all the engineers and programmers. Passage of educational programs does not guarantee a job at Google, as the company said in a separate footnote. But it is very interesting  to know what courses...

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The future of farming: Drones, robots and GPS

Today’s agriculture has transformed into a high-tech enterprise that most 20th-century farmers might barely recognize. After all, it was only around 100 years ago that farming in the U.S. transitioned from animal power to combustion engines. Over the past 20 years the global positioning system (GPS), electronic sensors and other new tools have moved farming even...

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Локалізація веб-сайту. Публікація постів(новин)

Всім привіт. Сьогодні поговоримо про те, як правильно локалізувати БД. Нехай наш сайт буде підтримувати три мови: Українська, Англійська та Російська. Користувач Іван публікує нову новину на сайті. Проблема полягає в тому, щоб дану новину перекласти на різні мови, причому ідентифікатор новини(ID) повинен бути єдиним для кожної локалізації. Дехто для відображення новин використовує дві таблиці,...

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The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Game Developers

1. DELIVER GREAT GAMES, NOT EMPTY PROMISES. Great game developers will work hard to make their game successful. This means developing, polishing and (most importantly) shipping a finished product. A good game developer should worry about making and selling games, rather worrying about whether they appear to be successful or not. Mediocre developers lack the patience to develop and...

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