5 Tips For Mark Zuckerberg On 2015

5 Tips For Mark Zuckerberg On 2015

We’ve long known Mark Zuckerberg to be a man who sets goals for himself. Having previously learned Mandarin (and carried out an entire 30-minute interview in it) as a New Year’s resolution, this week the Facebook CEO announced his goal for 2015: reading a new book every other week. Zuckerberg crowdsourced suggestions for potential resolutions from his millions of Facebook...

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10 Easy Tweaks for Revamping Old Websites

If your website has started looking older as compared to its competitors then it’s perfect time to make necessary tweaks to its design. One of the most important factors for any website to succeed is its user interface. Normal visitors care least about the technologies involved when using a website. An old looking and boring website will definitely lose...

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How Software Developers Really Spend Their Time

And you thought being a software engineer was all about dreaming up clever algorithms or amazing graphics routines and then instantiating them in elegant, tightly written code. Shows what you know. It turns out, at least according to a survey conducted by software delivery service Electric Cloud, that developers spend almost 20% of their time… waiting. Waiting for...

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Debugging Asynchronous JavaScript with Chrome DevTools

Introduction A powerful feature that makes JavaScript unique is its ability to work asynchronously via callback functions. Assigning async callbacks let you write event-driven code but it also makes tracking down bugs a hair pulling experience since the JavaScript is not executing in a linear fashion. Luckily, now in Chrome DevTools, you can view the full call...

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Top 10 Fundamental qualities of good programmers

First, a quick note: This is just one way to think about becoming a better programmer. It’s almost certainly not the only way to think about it and you may find some other way more useful to you. This is a list of what we believe are fundamental qualities that all good programmers share. It...

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