Five coolest world famous programmers. Hard work or Good luck?

Five coolest world famous programmers. Hard work or Good luck?

The most influential software programmers of all time are the innovative and brilliant people who each contributed something ground-breaking to the software programming world. These are the pioneers of programming all having created, evolved or improved upon the foundations of modern computer programming. Plain and simple, without these software programming legends, computers, the Internet and...

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Programmers are optimists

Programmers are the most optimistic bunch of people I have ever come across. Ask us how long something will take and chances are our estimates will be way off. It’s not because we hate you. It’s not because we didn’t know any better, either. We’re just very optimistic about everything. The project, our skills, the tech,...

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Nokia Lumia 1025 – Концепт

Доброе утро всем IT – наркоманам . Статья посвящается всем фанатам Nokia Lumia, а также всем любителям новинок в мире мобильных девайсов . Nokia пустила слух о выходе новой модели смартфона из линейки Lumia. Как всем уже наверняка известно, суперфлагман Lumia 1020 был представлен почти год назад, и привел большой фурор в мире мобильных гаджетов....

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15 New Years Resolutions for Programmers

It’s time for our annual ritual of creating a list of idealistic and ultimately unrealistic goals called “New Years Resolutions” that we pledge to adopt for the coming year but usually abandon by late January.  Wikipedia defines a New Years Resolution as a commitment that an individual makes to finishing a project, reforming a habit or making...

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10 Most Common JavaScript Mistakes

Today, JavaScript is at the core of virtually all modern web applications. The past several years in particular have witnessed the proliferation of a wide array of powerful JavaScript-based libraries and frameworks for single page application (SPA) development, graphics and animation, and even server-side JavaScript platforms. JavaScript has truly become ubiquitous in the world of web app development and...

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